New Year’s Day Blessing Service

Houston Buddhist Vihara 8707 Radio Road,, Houston, TX, United States

The traditional New Year's Day blessing service will be held at the Vihara.

New Year Celebration

Houston Buddhist Vihara 8707 Radio Road,, Houston, TX, United States

New Year Celeberation

Morning Puja and Evening Blessing Service on January 1st

Houston Buddhist Vihara 8707 Radio Road,, Houston, TX, United States

Morning Puja and Evening Blessing Service on January 1st 2020 is almost there. To bless the community for the New Year, the Vihara has organized two services: a Kiri Ahara Puja at 7:00 am and the traditional blessing service at 6:00 pm.  You are invited to participate. The Blessing Service from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. will include a special […]